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Over the pandemic, I had the opportunity to score this beautiful film called Miso - a film about self managed abortion. You can go watch it NOW via the link in my bio. Also in my bio is a link to resources provided by the folks who created Miso to help anyone in need of abortion pills or care. Please share this stuff y’all. It means a lot right now. 🏄🏼♀️❤️❤️ @misoshortfilm
Producer + Actress: @alexsgambati
Producer: Camille Bernier-Green
Producer + Actress + Writer: @kingmariah
Director + Editor: @girldownunda
Music Composition: Myself
Producer + Actress: @alexsgambati
Producer: Camille Bernier-Green
Producer + Actress + Writer: @kingmariah
Director + Editor: @girldownunda
Music Composition: Myself

What Even Is A TERF?
“What even is a TERF?” is an animated history of the term “Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists”. Taking cues from the origins of radical feminism in the 1960’s and utilizing visual metaphor throughout, this film aims to educate a broad audience to the nature and danger of the TERF ideology.
I was honestly humbled to have been asked to create the music and sound design for this beautiful and incredibly important short film by @dezster for @videoout I hope that this video and its message gets spread far and wide to help educate folks on this hateful and painful subject matter.
Thank you to Dez, VideoOut, @fattnatt + @hellohornet for trusting me with creating the music for this. I honestly couldn’t have done it without my good friends Daniel Ryan of (bass + guitar) and @wslover (trumpet)!
Script by Susan Stryker, VO by Jazzmun Crayton.
I was honestly humbled to have been asked to create the music and sound design for this beautiful and incredibly important short film by @dezster for @videoout I hope that this video and its message gets spread far and wide to help educate folks on this hateful and painful subject matter.
Thank you to Dez, VideoOut, @fattnatt + @hellohornet for trusting me with creating the music for this. I honestly couldn’t have done it without my good friends Daniel Ryan of (bass + guitar) and @wslover (trumpet)!
Script by Susan Stryker, VO by Jazzmun Crayton.

The Greatest Poem - The United States Themselves
I got the chance to team up with my good friend and amazing composer/songwriter Katie Hackett aka The Lunar Year to write some music and sound design for this short animated film. It was directed by Elyse Kelly and written/created by Philippa Hughes. I'm super proud of this one and hope you all enjoy our take on replicating a Tom Petty song!
Rohan McDonald
Nazli Cem
Zoë Soriano
Eric Larson
Catalina Matamoros
Cynthia Chu
Yoon Su Lee
Nijah Brown
Sofia Diaz
Mithra Krishnan
Jackson Ammenheuser
Megan Jedrysiak
Matea Losenegger
Angela Hsieh
Ana Mouyis
Sara Spink
Rohan McDonald
Nazli Cem
Zoë Soriano
Eric Larson
Catalina Matamoros
Cynthia Chu
Yoon Su Lee
Nijah Brown
Sofia Diaz
Mithra Krishnan
Jackson Ammenheuser
Megan Jedrysiak
Matea Losenegger
Angela Hsieh
Ana Mouyis
Sara Spink

Perfect Blend
This claymation stop motion film by Aaron Fisher was broken up into 5 different videos to create a series. I just love how cute and cozie it makes me feel. Writing a classic romance score with a quirky feel just felt right for this short. Enjoy!